Reference Letters

Community Support :)




Even though the Q&A is answering questions specific to my case, I invite you to explore it at a pool of possibilities for someone else case or pick what inspires you to write a reference letter for a completely other matter. 

There is a form at the end of the page. If you can't find an answer here, feel free to send me your questions and I will include them here if they are relevant to this subject. 

In the case of Ministerial Intervention, the more people are recognized and supported as contributors and members of their community, the better. There are different ways to contribute as well, starting by sharing the word around or on social media.


Q & A


According to my online research and discussions with Legal Aid and different lawyers, when submitting to the Minister all the documents, they are first examined by a team of people that will estimate if it's a receivable case to be considered by the Minister.

I’m guessing the goal is to make sure the Minister’s precious time is kept to good use. It takes roughly 48 hours for them to answer from what I understood.

  • If they say “Yep, solid enough to be considered” then everything will be sent to the Minister for him to make a decision.

  • Suppose they say “nop, this case doesn’t comply with our requirements to be considered by the Minister”, in that case, they will tell me and basically, I will have to leave the country and Ministerial Intervention is the last path possible in my situation.

Then it can take 1 to 2 years of waiting time to have an answer from the Minister. Potentially media/press involvement could help in reducing the waiting time.

1. What does the Ministerial Intervention procedure look like?

I will have to let my current visa run out and then ask for a Bridging visa E. This visa doesn’t generally come with work rights except in special circumstances. That’s why all my work colleagues and clients’ testimonies can make a big difference in my capacity to ask for a Bridging visa E with work rights to sustain myself in the country while I wait for a decision.

2. What visa will you have while you wait for the Minister’s decision?

I would say write in your mother tongue if you are more comfortable and then translate with online paragraph translators.

Alternatively, you send the version you wrote in your language by email (see below) and I do the translation for you. You can then check it on your own, sign and send it back.

3. My English level is not great when writing, can I still write a letter?

The credibility of the writer does not depend on their nationality but on their relationship with me and the authenticity of their testimony. Whether they are Australian or not, what’s important is that they can provide genuine, honest, and supportive information in their letter.

Sometimes, a non-Australian writer might offer a unique perspective, especially if they can compare my situation in Australia to my circumstances in other countries (especially France), or if they have witnessed aspects of my life that are pertinent to my case.

4. I know you, and I live in Australia (or have lived before), but I am not an Australian citizen, can I still help?

Yes, someone who has never been to Australia can still write a reference letter to support my case for ministerial intervention. The key aspect of such a letter is not the writer's location or experience in Australia, but rather their knowledge of me, their insights into my character, circumstances, or contributions, and the relevance of their testimony to my situation. There are a few points to consider, see more information about that in the section GUIDE LIST, link below.

5. I know you but I have never been to Australia, can I help?

In the context of ministerial intervention for immigration matters, a reference letter from someone who does not know me personally and has only heard about your story indirectly is generally less impactful compared to letters from individuals who have a direct, personal connection with me. The effectiveness of a reference letter largely depends on the writer’s firsthand knowledge of me and their direct experiences or interactions with me.

However, there are certain situations where a letter from such an individual might still be helpful! You are a :

  • Public Figures or Community Leaders, someone that holds a position of significant influence or authority...

  • Expertise in specific issues, for example: human rights, immigration law, social work…

  • Advocacy or support role, for example: refugee support, domestic violence prevention…

You can use GUIDE 4 for inspiration on what can be helpful in your reference letter.

5. I know you but I have never been to Australia, can I help?

No darling!

Please remember, that the templates below have been shared with many individuals. It's important to personalize the letter you will create with your own words and experiences to truly reflect the unique relationship and impact Lucie has had on you. Making it your own will add authenticity and strength to your supportive action.

7. Can I copy/paste one of the letters and just sign it to help out?

There are so many ways to still write a letter, here are a few options that come to my mind:

  • You can do a handwritten letter!

  • Maybe you are far away from the town I’m in so either scan if you can or you can take a picture of the letter if your phone has a quality that allows clear reading. Or maybe you are in my city and you can hand it over to me at the Byron Farmers Market.

  • You can write a letter inside of an email! Keep the same structure as a letter with your contact details on the top left.

  • You can get in touch with me via email at: and let’s organize a time when we can be over the phone, I type the letter for you, and you read it and sign it if it aligns with you.

8. I don’t have a computer, how can make a letter?

There are so many ways to still write a letter, here are a few options that come to my mind:

  • You can do a handwritten letter!

  • Maybe you are far away from the town I’m in so either scan if you can or you can take a picture of the letter if your phone has a quality that allows clear reading. Or maybe you are in my city and you can hand it over to me at the Byron Farmers Market.

  • You can write a letter inside of an email! Keep the same structure as a letter with your contact details on the top left.

  • You can get in touch with me via email at: and let’s organize a time when we can be over the phone, I type the letter for you, and you read it and sign it if it aligns with you.

8. I don’t have a computer, how can make a letter?

Anyone who has received a session from me, whether it was during the time I was in training (unplayed work), if you were a student in my class, or if you are a punctual or regular client, your testimonial is precious.

9. I have received a devotional therapeutic massage or Zenthai Shiatsu from you before, how can I help?


First of all, we can brainstorm together and I can look for the dates associated with specific events and when we first met.

For friends, I usually go to the social media discussion and check for a timeframe, if I can’t provide exact dates I tell a month and a year. Thats plenty!

For my clients, I can look for dates in my system and when was your first appointment.

10. I don't remember the dates or events we exchanged, can I still be helpful?

There are no writing limits on a reference letter so if you find yourself in different categories then talk about all of it if you desire. All will be helpful, share what you can now depending on the deadline and your capacity.

Make sure you are clear for the reader and create paragraphs for each point you want to share to keep it visually easy to read.

11. I checked the guides and I recognized myself in different situations, what do I choose?

It would be better to receive all letters and additional documents you would like to add by email at :

12. Where should I send the letter?

For the Bridging Visa E

My visa ended on the 29th of December. Now that the celebrations are over, a lot of places are going to be open, making the procedure easier. I will give all the letters I can collect on Tuesday 9th with my application.

I have learned the hard way lately that there are always complications. So the earlier you can write a letter, the better. 

The delay in writing is extremely short, I am fully aware and I apologize to everyone who has offered to write a letter to me and waiting for the info from me to know what to write in the letter. It’s been complicated for me to understand what was needed in the first place.

For Ministerial Intervention

For ministerial Intervention, I will be able to use all letters received this week in support of the BVB and the letters received in the coming weeks. The Deadline for my application submission is to be announced.

As always I will do my best with what I receive and I deeply thank you for being willing to participate and support me in that way and/or other ways.

Thank you kindly!


13. What is the deadline to submit?





(coming soon)


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