Reference Letters

Community Support :)




I have tried to give as much diversity as I could to give guidance to different profiles of people within the community depending on the type of relationship they have with the applicant for ministerial intervention. Pick what resonates, and make your written recipe with what aligns with you. You might fit in several guide categories as well, be creative.

Is there any perfectionist in the room? :) - I'm asking because I would easily spend weeks writing the most helpful reference letter for someone. My advice: don't overthink darling! Sit with good intentions at heart and start with the first thing that comes to mind. The rest will flow and your writing will enrich.

You are not tested for a start! It is going to be helpful to show to the Minister the applicant is supported in his/her/them request. And if you need help or inspiration to write, contrary to the school system, I can help you out and we can brainstorm together what would be helpful if you can't find anything in the guide.

PICK ONLY                          WHAT RESONATES

CONNECT                          WITH YOUR HEART

BREATH                                    IT'S NOT AN EXAM



Generally when applying for ministerial intervention, demonstrating how [Applicant]’s presence in Australia positively impacts others can be a compelling factor. It's crucial to emphasize the positive impact [his/her/their] professional care has had on you or your family.

A few examples, if you are a :

  • Psychologist / Psychiatrist

  • Counsellor

  • Support worker

  • Somatic Practitioner

  • Bodyworker / Massage therapist

  • Healer

  • Activist/Advocate with front-line experience in domestic violence (association volunteer, journalist, writer etc)

Or if in your life experience :

  • You helped someone going through family violence or after

  • You have been through family violence yourself

  • You are trauma-informed

Feel free to change the work type and your experience depending on who the applicant for Ministerial Intervention is. Here's how you might frame this in your reference letter:

Writer's Introduction:

  • Full name, contact details.

  • Position or qualification, if relevant (to establish credibility).

  • Relationship to [Applicant full name] and the duration of this relationship.

  • A brief explanation of your limited but significant interaction with [him/her/them].

Background of Your Relationship

  • Provide context on how you know [Applicant Name], detailing the nature and duration of your relationship.

  • Share specific examples of interactions or experiences you’ve had with [Applicant Name].

Observations of the Impact of Domestic Violence

  • Describe any direct observations you’ve made regarding changes in [Applicant Name]’s behavior, health, or well-being as a result of domestic violence.

  • Provide specific examples to illustrate these changes.

Recovery and Resilience:

  • Discuss [Applicant Name]’s efforts to rebuild their life after the domestic violence situation.

  • Highlight instances of their strength, resilience, and any positive changes they have made since.

Support Networks in Australia:

  • Mention community groups, friends, or organizations in Australia that have been supporting [Applicant Name].

  • Explain how these networks have been crucial for their recovery and continued integration into the Australian community.

Contrast with Home Country Situation:

Offer a comparison between the safety, support, and opportunities available to [Applicant Name] in Australia versus what they might face in their home country.

Contribution and Potential:

  • Provide examples of [Applicant Name]’s contributions to the community or workplace.

  • Discuss their potential for future contributions and participation in Australian society.

Character Strengths and Personal Qualities:

Highlight [Applicant Name]’s personal qualities such as courage, determination, empathy, and integrity, with specific instances where these traits were evident.

Transformation of Personal Experiences:

Detail how [Applicant Name] has used their personal experiences as a catalyst for positive change, either in their own life or in the lives of others.

Contributions to Support Networks or Communities:

Provide examples of how [Applicant Name] has become involved in support networks, community groups, or advocacy.

Role as a Mentor or Supportive Figure:

Describe how [Applicant Name] has taken on a role as a mentor or supportive figure for others facing similar challenges.

Professional Development and Career Progression:                             

Highlight any professional development, career progression, or educational achievements [Applicant Name] has pursued.

Advocacy and Public Speaking:

If [Applicant Name] has engaged in advocacy work or public speaking, include this information.

Positive Impact on Others:

Include testimonials or examples of the positive impact [Applicant Name] has had on individuals, groups, or the community.

Future Aspirations and Goals:

Outline [Applicant Name]'s future aspirations and goals, especially those involving community contribution or personal and professional growth.

Response to COVID-19 or Other Crises:

  • If relevant, describe how the applicant adapted their services during challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. This can showcase their resilience, innovation, and commitment to their clients under difficult circumstances.

  • Another local crisis example is : floods in the Northern Rivers

Language and Communication Skills:

  • If the applicant has strong language skills or has learned English as an additional language, highlighting this can show their effort to integrate and communicate effectively in Australia.

  • Mention the impact on service quality, specifically in the context of their profession

Demonstration of Australian Values and Community Integration:

Emphasize how [Applicant Name] embodies Australian values and has integrated into the Australian community.

Appeal to Compassion and Fairness:

  • Stress the importance of having skilled individuals in Australia.

  • Make a respectful appeal highlighting the importance of a safe and supportive environment for [Applicant Name].

  • Stress the humanitarian considerations and principles of fairness that should be taken into account in their case.

  • Emphasize the positive outcomes and contributions that would result from allowing [Applicant Name] to remain.

Writer’s Signature and Date:

Conclude the letter with a formal signature and the date to ensure authenticity.

Each letter should be personalized and written in a tone that is respectful and empathetic while remaining factual and honest. The more specific and heartfelt the testimonials are, the more impactful they can be in supporting the case.

Here's an impersonalized draft of a reference letter where the writer is a support worker who met the applicant during a workshop centered around healing after overcoming hardship :

To the Ministerial Intervention Office,

Subject: Support for Ministerial Intervention for [Applicant's Full Name]

As a professional support worker, I am writing in support of [Applicant's Full Name]'s application for ministerial intervention. I had the privilege of meeting [Applicant] at a workshop focused on healing and resilience, where [his/her/their] insights and experiences deeply resonated with me.

Our paths crossed during a workshop on holistic healing. [Applicant's] perspective as a massage therapist, particularly [his/her/their] approach to overcoming hardship through somatic therapy, was enlightening. Our exchange highlighted the transformative power of nurturing touch in the healing process.

Applicant] brings a unique blend of professional skill and personal empathy to [his/her/their] practice. [His/Her/Their] work as a massage therapist goes beyond physical treatment; it is about fostering emotional and mental recovery. [His/Her/Their] dedication to helping others heal is evident in every interaction.

[Applicant's] own journey of overcoming challenges adds depth to [his/her/their] practice. This personal experience enriches [his/her/their] ability to connect with and support others in their healing journeys. [His/Her/Their] resilience is not just inspiring; it is transformative for those [he/she/they] aids.

Beyond [his/her/their] professional role, [Applicant] is a vocal advocate for holistic healing methods. [His/Her/Their] contributions extend into community support, where [he/she/they] actively participates in workshops and events, sharing knowledge and offering support.

[Applicant's] skills, experience, and personal qualities make [him/her/them] an invaluable member of our community. Allowing [him/her/them] to continue [his/her/their] life and work in Australia is not just a recognition of [his/her/their] individual worth but also a benefit to those [he/she/they] serves.

I strongly advocate for [Applicant's Full Name]'s application for ministerial intervention, recognizing the significant positive impact [he/she/they] has on individuals and the broader community. [His/Her/Their] presence and continued work in Australia is essential for the well-being of many.

Thank you for considering this request. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Remember, even if you don’t know [him/her/them] well, your observations and perspective can add significant weight to your application by demonstrating the broader impact of [his/her/their] presence in the community.

Please feel free to personalize and adjust the content as necessary to reflect the specific circumstances and experiences relevant to the applicant's case. Adjust according to your experience with the applicant's professional circumstances. 



[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Phone number] [Your Email]


[Your Full Name]




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