Reference Letters

Community Support :)




I have tried to give as much diversity as I could to give guidance to different profiles of people within the community depending on the type of relationship they have with the applicant for ministerial intervention. Pick what resonates, and make your written recipe with what aligns with you. You might fit in several guide categories as well, be creative.

Is there any perfectionist in the room? :) - I'm asking because I would easily spend weeks writing the most helpful reference letter for someone. My advice: don't overthink darling! Sit with good intentions at heart and start with the first thing that comes to mind. The rest will flow and your writing will enrich.

You are not tested for a start! It is going to be helpful to show to the Minister the applicant is supported in his/her/them request. And if you need help or inspiration to write, contrary to the school system, I can help you out and we can brainstorm together what would be helpful if you can't find anything in the guide.

PICK ONLY                          WHAT RESONATES

CONNECT                          WITH YOUR HEART

BREATH                                    IT'S NOT AN EXAM

The effectiveness of a reference letter largely depends on the writer’s firsthand knowledge of the applicant for Ministerial Intervention and the writer's direct experiences or interactions with the applicant. However, there are certain situations where a letter from such an individual might still be helpful:

Public Figures or Community Leaders:

If the person writing the letter is a public figure, community leader, or holds a position of significant influence or authority, their support or advocacy for the applicant's case might carry some weight, especially if they are speaking to broader issues related to your situation.

Expertise on Specific Issues:

If the person has expertise in a specific area relevant to the applicant's case (e.g., human rights, immigration law, social work) and can provide an informed opinion on why your case is deserving of ministerial intervention, their letter might add a unique perspective.

Advocacy or Community Support Role:

If the individual is involved in advocacy or support groups relevant to the applicant's situation (such as refugee support, domestic violence prevention, etc.), the letter can provide insights into the broader context of the applicant's circumstances.

For the letter to be effective, it should:

  • Acknowledge the indirect nature of their knowledge about [Lucie’s] case.

  • Focus on the broader issues or principles that are relevant to your situation.

  • Explain the writer's expertise, role, or reason for their interest in her case.

  • Be supplemented with other, more personal, and direct letters of support.

Here's a structured approach for each category:

1. Public Figures or Community Leaders:


  • State their name, position, and any relevant credentials.

  • Briefly mention their awareness of your situation.


  • Discuss the broader social, human rights, or community issues your case represents.

  • Emphasize the importance of supporting individuals in similar situations.

  • Relate your situation to broader community values or human rights principles.


  • Reinforce the need for a compassionate and fair consideration of your case.

  • Highlight the positive impact that supporting your case could have on the community or society at large.

2. Individuals with Expertise on Specific Issues:


  • Introduce themselves with their professional background and expertise area.

  • Explain how they came to learn about your case.


  • Provide a detailed analysis of your situation from their expert perspective.

  • Explain how your case intersects with issues in their field (e.g., immigration law, human rights).

  • Offer an informed opinion on why your case merits ministerial intervention.


  • Summarize their professional assessment.

  • Advocate for a favorable decision based on their expertise.

3. Advocacy or Community Support Role:


  • Identify themselves and their role in advocacy or support groups.

  • Describe their understanding of your situation.


  • Discuss the relevance of your case to their advocacy work.

  • Highlight the challenges faced by individuals in similar circumstances.

  • Provide context on how support in your case could benefit the broader community or cause.


  • Emphasize the societal importance of supporting cases like yours.

  • Encourage a decision that aligns with the values and goals of their advocacy.

General Points for All Letters

Personalization: while they may not know you personally, adding a personal touch or connection to the issue can make the letter more compelling.

Factual and respectful tone: ensure the information is accurate and the tone is respectful and professional.

Specific examples: if possible, include specific examples or scenarios that illustrate their points.

Call to action: end with a clear call for a specific action or decision in your favor.

Remember, these letters should be concise, focused, and professionally formatted. Each letter should be tailored to the individual’s background and relationship to the applicant's case, while also aligning with the general structure outlined above.



Below is a draft letter from a hypothetical public figure or community leader, written in support of an applicant seeking ministerial intervention in case of Partner Visa is refused where domestic violence occurred :

Subject: Letter of Support for Ministerial Intervention on behalf of [Applicant's Name]

Dear Minister [Minister's Last Name],

I am writing to you in my capacity as [Your Position], a role that I have held for [number] years, and as a committed advocate for [relevant social issue, e.g., human rights, community welfare]. It has come to my attention that [Applicant's Name] is currently seeking ministerial intervention in their visa case. Although I do not have the privilege of knowing [Applicant's Name] personally, their situation has resonated deeply with me, as it encapsulates broader issues that are central to our community's values and our nation’s principles.

[Applicant's Name]’s case, as I understand, is one that touches on critical aspects of human rights and dignity. The challenges they have faced, including [briefly mention specific challenges relevant to their case, e.g., overcoming domestic violence], are not just individual struggles but are reflective of wider systemic issues that our society is grappling with. It is cases like these that test our commitment to upholding the values of compassion, justice, and fairness - principles that I have dedicated my career to advocating.

In my role as [Your Position], I have witnessed the profound impact that positive intervention can have in cases like that of [Applicant's Name]. Supporting them through ministerial intervention would not only be a lifeline to [him/her/them] but also a powerful statement of our collective commitment to supporting those in vulnerable positions. It sets a precedent of empathy and action that can inspire and influence our community positively.

Moreover, the decision to support [Applicant's Name] aligns with the broader societal efforts to address and mitigate the challenges associated with [specific issue related to the applicant's case, e.g., domestic violence, refugee support]. By taking a stand in individual cases like this, we send a strong message about our society’s values and the lengths we are willing to go to uphold them.

I respectfully urge you to consider [Applicant's Name]’s request for ministerial intervention with the utmost compassion and fairness. Your decision has the potential not only to transform the life of an individual but also to reinforce the principles of humanity and justice that define us as a society.

Thank you for considering this request. Should you require any further information or wish to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,



[Your Signature] [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

[Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Organization/Institution] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Phone number] [Your Email]


Please note that this letter is a generic template and should be customized according to specific details and contexts of the actual case you are advocating for.

Here is a draft letter from a specialist lawyer in domestic violence, written in support of an applicant seeking ministerial intervention in case of Partner Visa is refused where domestic violence occurred :

Subject: Letter of Support for Ministerial Intervention on behalf of [Applicant's Name]

Dear Minister [Minister's Last Name],

I am writing to you as a specialist lawyer with extensive experience in dealing with cases of domestic violence, to advocate strongly for the ministerial intervention on behalf of [Applicant's Name]. My professional journey has provided me with deep insight into the complexities and long-lasting impacts of domestic violence, and I find [Applicant's Name]’s situation to be particularly compelling and deserving of your immediate attention.

In my [number] years of practice, I have encountered numerous instances where individuals have been deeply affected by the harrowing experiences of domestic violence. [Applicant's Name]'s case is emblematic of the psychological and emotional toll that such abuse can take. From the information I have reviewed, it is evident that [Applicant's Name] has endured significant hardship, which has directly impacted their emotional well-being and ability to maintain a stable living situation, affecting their visa status.

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that often leaves invisible scars, requiring extensive support and rehabilitation. In [Applicant's Name]'s case, the denial of ministerial intervention would not only overlook the severity of their suffering but also fail to acknowledge the broader societal challenge posed by domestic violence.

Moreover, the legal intricacies of [Applicant's Name]'s case necessitate a compassionate and nuanced approach. Standard procedures may not fully capture the complexity of their situation, which is compounded by the psychological and emotional abuse they have experienced. Therefore, your intervention is not only justified but critically necessary. The legal system, while robust, sometimes lacks the flexibility to address cases that are exceptional in nature, particularly those involving layers of abuse and trauma.

I urge you to consider [Applicant's Name]'s application for ministerial intervention with a deep understanding of the unique and challenging circumstances they have faced. Your decision has the potential to not only address a situation of grave injustice but also to set a meaningful precedent for how cases involving domestic violence are treated in our legal system.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I am available for any further discussion or to provide additional information as needed.

Yours sincerely,

Please note that this letter is a generic template and should be customized according to specific details and contexts of the actual case you are advocating for.



[Your Printed Name] Specialist Lawyer in Domestic Violence [Your Contact Information]

[Your Full Name] Specialist Lawyer in Domestic Violence [Your Law Firm's Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Phone number] [Your Email]


Here is a draft letter from a physiotherapist who supports your application for ministerial intervention, representing the advocacy and community support worker group category :

Subject: Letter of Support for Ministerial Intervention on behalf of [Applicant's Name]

Dear Minister [Minister's Last Name],

I write to you in my professional capacity as a physiotherapist with extensive experience in treating individuals who have endured physical and psychological trauma, particularly related to domestic violence. It is in this context that I have become aware of [Applicant's Name]’s case and am compelled to advocate for ministerial intervention on their behalf.

In the course of my work, I have come to understand the profound and often long-lasting impact that such trauma can have on an individual’s physical and mental well-being. [Applicant's Name]'s situation, as detailed in their application, is indicative of the complex challenges faced by survivors of domestic violence. The physical ailments often associated with such experiences are only the tip of the iceberg; the psychological ramifications can be even more debilitating.

[Applicant's Name]'s courage in seeking support and their journey towards recovery is commendable. However, the precarious nature of their visa status poses a significant barrier to their continued recovery and well-being. Stability and access to ongoing support are crucial for individuals recovering from such profound trauma. The uncertainty surrounding [Applicant's Name]'s residency undermines these essential conditions for healing.

My advocacy for [Applicant's Name] stems not only from a professional perspective but also from a deep understanding of the broader implications of their situation. Granting ministerial intervention in this case would provide [Applicant's Name] with the necessary stability to continue their recovery journey. It is also an acknowledgment of the broader societal responsibility to support individuals who have endured such hardships.

I urge you to consider [Applicant's Name]'s request for ministerial intervention with the utmost empathy and to recognize the significant impact that a positive decision can have on their life. Such an action would not only support [Applicant's Name] but also demonstrate a commitment to the welfare and rehabilitation of individuals affected by domestic violence.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I am available for any further discussion or to provide additional insights based on my professional experience.

Yours sincerely,



[Your Printed Name] Physiotherapist [Signature]

[Your Full Name] Physiotherapist [Your Clinic or Hospital's Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Phone number] [Your Email]


Please note that this letter is a generic template and should be customized according to specific details and contexts of the actual case you are advocating for.




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