Reference Letters

Community Support :)




I have tried to give as much diversity as I could to give guidance to different profiles of people within the community depending on the type of relationship they have with the applicant for ministerial intervention. Pick what resonates, and make your written recipe with what aligns with you. You might fit in several guide categories as well, be creative.

Is there any perfectionist in the room? :) - I'm asking because I would easily spend weeks writing the most helpful reference letter for someone. My advice: don't overthink darling! Sit with good intentions at heart and start with the first thing that comes to mind. The rest will flow and your writing will enrich.

You are not tested for a start! It is going to be helpful to show to the Minister the applicant is supported in his/her/them request. And if you need help or inspiration to write, contrary to the school system, I can help you out and we can brainstorm together what would be helpful if you can't find anything in the guide.

PICK ONLY                          WHAT RESONATES

CONNECT                          WITH YOUR HEART

BREATH                                    IT'S NOT AN EXAM

This guide emphasizes the significance of reference letters from the Zenthai Shiatsu community for a ministerial intervention application. These letters are essential, as they validate the applicant's professional skills and character, while also illustrating their positive influence in Australia.

They offer a persuasive, heartfelt case for the applicant's continued presence and contribution to the country. Going beyond mere formalities, these letters provide a comprehensive and compelling view of the applicant's unique qualities and impact. 

Here's the revised guide with an added emphasis on sharing meaningful moments, personal experiences, or events with the applicant:


  • Objective: Begin by stating the purpose of the letter - to support a ministerial intervention application.

  • Writer’s Identity: Introduce yourself, detailing your profession and your relationship with the applicant, be it as a Zenthai Shiatsu teacher, student, or client.

Body of the Letter

  • Applicant's Relationship and Impact in the Zenthai Community:

  • Describe your personal or professional relationship with the applicant.

  • Highlight their impact and contributions to the Zenthai Shiatsu community.

Professional Skills and Accomplishments:

  • Detail the applicant's skills and knowledge in Zenthai Shiatsu and related areas.

  • Mention any specific achievements, certifications, or recognitions they have received.

Language Proficiency:

  • Discuss the applicant's proficiency in English or other languages, especially if this has been a significant aspect of their professional practice or community involvement.

  • If applicable, mention any language barriers the applicant has overcome and how it has improved their communication and practice.

Personal Character and Resilience:

  • Share insights into the applicant’s personal character.

  • Include anecdotes that demonstrate their resilience, especially in the face of adversity.

Meaningful Personal Experiences:

  • Recount specific, meaningful experiences or events shared with the applicant.

  • Explain how these moments underscore the applicant's qualities and contributions.

Supporting Ministerial Intervention

  • Need for the Applicant's Skills in Australia:

  • Emphasize the demand for skilled practitioners like the applicant in the health and wellness sector in Australia.

  • If possible, include statistics or reports underscoring the importance of such skills in the country.

Potential Impact of the Applicant’s Departure:

Discuss the potential negative impact on the community and clients should the applicant be forced to leave.


  • Final Endorsement: Conclude with a strong, personal endorsement for the applicant’s ministerial intervention case.

  • Contact Information: Provide your contact details for any potential follow-up inquiries.

Final Touches

  • Personalization and Authenticity: Ensure the letter reflects your genuine thoughts and experiences with the applicant.

  • Professional Presentation: Write clearly and concisely, maintaining a professional tone. Ensure the letter is free of errors.

  • Signature: Include your signature to authenticate the letter.



This detailed guide aims to assist in crafting a comprehensive and impactful reference letter that underscores the applicant's qualifications, character, and indispensable role in the Zenthai Shiatsu community and wider Australian society.

Here's an example of a reference letter from a Zenthai Shiatsu therapist who received treatment from you during a Zenthai clinic day :

Subject: Letter of Support for Ministerial Intervention on behalf of [Applicant's Name]

Dear Minister [Minister's Last Name],

I am writing to wholeheartedly support the application for ministerial intervention on behalf of [Applicant's Name], a fellow practitioner in the field of Zenthai Shiatsu. My name is [Therapist's Name], and I am a professional Zenthai Shiatsu therapist with [Number of Years] years of experience in the field.

I first met [Applicant's Name] during a Zenthai clinic day, where I had the opportunity to receive treatment from them. I was immediately struck by their skillful integration of various techniques ranging from acupressure and Thai massage to shiatsu, remedial techniques, fascia release, and principles of traditional Chinese medicine.

During my session with [Applicant's name], they demonstrated a remarkable ability to identify and effectively address key areas of tension and imbalance in my body. Their approach was not only technically proficient but also deeply intuitive, showing a profound understanding of the body's energy systems and pathways.

One aspect that particularly stood out was [Applicant's name]'s skill in fascia release. They applied a combination of targeted pressure and gentle manipulation, which significantly alleviated my chronic shoulder tension. This technique, in conjunction with their adept use of acupressure, resulted in one of the most therapeutic and rejuvenating experiences I have had in my professional career.

Beyond their technical skills, [Applicant's Name] exhibited a level of compassion and empathy that is invaluable and necessary in our profession. Their genuine concern for my well-being and their dedication to the healing arts was evident throughout the session.

I believe that [Applicant's Name] is a significant asset to the Zenthai Shiatsu community in Australia. Their departure would not only be a loss to their clients but also to our professional community, which benefits immensely from their expertise and dedication.

I strongly advocate for [Applicant's Name]'s case for ministerial intervention and sincerely hope that their invaluable contributions to the field of health and wellness are recognized and allowed to continue in Australia.

Should you require any further information or clarification, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely,



[Therapist's Name] [Therapist's Address] [City, State, Zip]
[Phone number] [Email]


This example showcases how a fellow therapist can emphasize your technical skills, personal qualities, and the impact of your work, providing a strong endorsement for your application.

[Date] [Therapist's Signature][Therapist's Name]
[Therapist's Contact Information]




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